Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lawyers USA Blog Post

One of my cases was cited and I was interviewed for a Lawyers USA article regarding the Nevada pharmacy liability case. I cannot link to the blog entry because it is a subscribers' only site.

It it nice to be recognized in the field as an expert with an important case history in health care law.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I am currently working on a new newsletter that we hope to have sent out in the beginning of March.

As always, if you have any comments regarding the newsletter of wish suggest topics, please contact me. My email address is

California Pharmacy Labeling Law Rejection

The Los Angeles Times reports on a rejection of a pharmacy labeling rule in California. The pharmacy board was set to vote for new labeling rules for prescriptions until Governor Schwarzenegger appointed a CVS executive to the board the day before the vote but left three other spots vacant. The rule was defeated in a 5-4 vote.

Not only did CVS oppose the vote but so did one of Governor Schwarzenegger's largest campaign contributors- the California Retailers Association. The Association has contributed over $400,000 to his political committees.

What are your thoughts on this?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Early Education Changes

As changes to education standards are considered, I have a couple suggestions.

First, children should be taught how to think from an early age. If children know how to think, they can learn anything easier. Theories of logic, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning are applicable across all subjects.

Second, in addition to practical finances, students need to learn practical probability and statistics. This will make them smarter with their finances, better citizens and lead to smarter medical decisions. Casino patrons will have a better idea that their chance of winning is slim. Voters will better understand political polls and concepts such as loaded questions leading to desired answers. Even medical decisions, such as new drug choices, will be affected because patients will understand studies regarding the effectiveness of new drugs.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Time for Change for Performance Enhancing Drugs?

Is it time for a new look at performance enhancing drugs? Should we make the drugs legal through prescription?

Look at any bodybuilding forum online and it is clear that their availability is widespread. If an athlete wants to use the drugs, he/she can. Their level of knowledge is quite impressive. Users combine multiple drugs to achieve the benefits while counteracting the side effects. Yet the manufacturing of the drugs can be suspect and their safety should be questioned.

But this knowledge comes from others’ trial and error and locker room talk. It would be safer for knowledgeable physicians to prescribe performance enhancing drugs. Physicians and pharmacists can monitor the long-term effects and ensure a safer supply of drugs.

I see performance enhancing drugs being especially important for motivating people to exercise. Why should we prescribe drugs like Lipitor to lower cholesterol but not prescribe drugs that will help and encourage people to exercise? The drugs can help people achieve and see results faster and encourage them to continue exercising.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Atypical Antipsychotics MOA

Do any of the physicians or pharmacists out there know the mechanism of action that causes weight gain in patients taking atypical antipsychotics?

Please let me know.

I would be interested in looking at the MOA and what suggestions this might hold for weight gain. Conversely, can we learn anything more about weight loss from the MOA?