Evidence shows that when clinical pharmacists collaborate with physicians, they improve health outcomes. And with their extensive knowledge of available drugs, pharmacists can help to save money by using the most cost-effective ones.
"Traditionally, pharmacists have not been seen as caregivers, says Dr. Paul Gregerson, chief medical officer for the institute. "But these days, they fill a gap that has been left in the current healthcare system where physicians are so rushed."
Christopher Pencak, R.Ph., J.D. graduated from Wayne State University College of Pharmacy in 1976 and practiced in a variety of settings. Mr. Pencak graduated Michigan State University College of Law, Cum Laude and Law Review, in 1982. He specializes in pharmacy law and the representation of all health professionals. Mr. Pencak loves being on the cutting edge of the evolution of pharmacy. His website can be found at http://www.pharmacylawpro.com.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Continuing Article
The LA Times carries several articles regarding the role of pharmacists in healthcare. Here is another.