Friday, June 20, 2008


Thank you to all who have sent contributions to Brent Pencak's campaign. The donations are greatly appreciated and be assured that every penny will be well spent well in pursuit of winning the election. As always, additional contributions are needed for signs and literature. Please donate what you can. The customary IRS Rules for campaign deductions apply. Checks can be made out to "Committee to Elect Brent Pencak" and sent to: PO Box 515, Richmond, MI 48062 If you are donating over $100.00 please include your occupation and business address. This is necessary for campaign finance laws. Contributions are limited to $500.00. His website can be found at

Big news soon! I am going to announce a new live seminar series on pharmacy law and practice that will be approved for continuing education. This will be unlike the boring and often impractical seminars that we have become accustomed to. In fact, I'm pretty excited about teaching this program.