Monday, November 11, 2013


     Christopher Pencak, Attorney and Pharmacist
27322 - 23 Mile Road, Suite 7 ▪ Chesterfield, MI 48051 ▪ 586-598-4650
Website:   ▪   Email:

Permanent Loss of Pharmacist Jobs in Michigan?
Telepharmacy would allow one pharmacist through the use of computer technology such as Skype to oversee other pharmacies and even the dispensing of meds through machines such as PYXIS.  If you are a Michigan pharmacist or a pharmacy student, you should do everything in your power to prevent the passage of this bill or any similar law.
*Read the rest of the important details in my Blog.  Also, see my Blog on Joblessness Crisis for New Pharmacy Grads.

Contrast Being a Pharmacist in California versus the New Michigan
     As a pharmacist would you rather fill medicine in empty slots of a drug vending machine or be a well-paid, significant contributor to clinical medical therapy and be able to prescribe medicines? California government is controlled by the Democratic Party and its pharmacist associations are progressive and powerful.
     California Pharmacists obtained their primary goals of fee for service billing for clinical services such as MTM and CDTM and expanded the scope of practice for California pharmacists!
     For more than a year a coalition that includes the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists and the California Pharmacists Association has been working on SB 493.  The primary goals were to facilitate fee-for-service billing clinical services, e.g., MTM and CDTM, and prescribe a variety of drugs directly to patients.
     SB 493 will become law on 1/1/2014, but some provisions will take months to implement.  All California pharmacists will be able to “provide” immunizations for patients over age three, and “furnish” prescription travel medication, hormonal contraceptives, and smoking cessation therapy, after some compliance with certain protocols.
     Additionally, the Bill creates the official category of “Advanced Practice Pharmacist” (APP). It retained the State’s current CDTM provisions but provides another way to gain even more authority and state recognition of advanced status.  Recognition will be in accordance with regulations to be developed by the Pharmacy Board. Recognition of APPs will help implement the Provider Status goals and elevate the role of pharmacists as part of team healthcare in ACO’s and other health systems.
     California’s SB 493 is an outstanding example of highly effective pharmacy organizations and a majority of State lawmakers and governor who look out for the well-being of all of its citizens of California and not just the elites. 
     Meanwhile in Michigan our wingnuts are saying pharmacists are overpaid, superfluous clerks, that patients only need their prescribers and a vending machine. 

     Balance in life is important.  I need new goals to achieve.  I never knew this sport existed until this summer when I saw a documentary and YouTube videos of people riding mountain bikes downhill at Whistler Mountain in British Columbia (YouTube search Whistler BC MTB downhill). I only knew of adults bicycling on roads for tedious miles for exercise or because they lost their driver’s license. Downhilling is far from boring. These riders take specialized bikes on chairlifts or gondolas to the top of a mountain and ride them downhill over courses that include the natural terrain, speed, as well as man-made jumps and obstacles. I watched YouTube videos from a first person perspective as people put GoPro cameras on their helmets and skillfully raced down famous trails at Whistler—some not so skillfully.
     I bought a helmet and went to Boyne Highlands, Michigan, rented a downhill bike and took a chairlift to the top and rode downhill at crazy speeds. In short, it was so frightening that when I got to the bottom, I immediately got back on the chairlift and did it for the next three hours.
     There was the call of Whistler, BC, arguably the best downhill mountain biking and freeriding in the world. But could I go?  Should I go? I went. At the end of September, I took a short family vacation and stayed at Whistler Village, the site of the 2010 Winter Olympics, and I rode downhill for three days with my youngest son, Brent. 
     By now I had acquired a lot of information and some skills since Boyne Mountain and we both had full-face helmets, goggles and the other available body armor. You can rent everything you need at Whistler. I came to Whistler late in the season and there was already snow at the top of the mountains. And then there was rain every day but the first. Interestingly, riders frequently encounter black bear on the mountain.  Downhilling is one of those sports where you are in the present. I guess that’s a part of why I like it, you cannot think about the past or future but you must pay full attention to the moment.   
     Is it safe? You can be severely injured or even killed, but I think that cycling on roads and being hit by a car carries the same sort of risks but without the thrills and skills of downhilling.
     Whistler is a magical place in every way and if you go I suggest that you get in the best possible physical condition, particularly with dead lifts and one-legged squats (“pistols”). In short, you need courage, technique, balance, strength, and a good sense of judgment. Biking season is over in the North Country but I will be training during the cold, dark Michigan nights to be ready for spring.

Freedom and Dignity
     I continue to be astonished at how frequently hospitals and other corporate employers get their highly educated, respected health professional employees to submit to being confined in a room, hostilely interrogated, their body and personal effects searched and driven to laboratories to give witnessed urine and hair samples to be screened for drugs. All of the above and more are conducted in the absence of legal counsel and the employees go along with it. Even the FBI can’t do the above to you under the same circumstances. Absent your consent or a search warrant, the above is false imprisonment, assault & battery and arguably criminal sexual conduct. At the least, this is an extremely humiliating way to treat a health professional.
     Health professionals have given up their constitutional rights, dignity and self-respect because they are at-will employees and fear job loss. Employees are subjected to all of the above sometimes merely because an employee’s eyes appear reddened, they seem sleepy, or a supervisor doesn’t like them. 
     An employee is taken into a room with security guards and questioned in a hostile fashion and the employee, in an emotional state, cooperates and answers questions without a lawyer. Quite often the questions involve clearly illegal subjects of inquiry including the patient’s private medical history and treatment, psychological history, religion and ethnic customs and private life. Their facebook pages are scrutinized. Fellow employees are encouraged to inform on each other. Lives are ruined. And this is normal?
     In an employment situation, a health professional is exchanging her time and skills to an employer in return for a paycheck. When did the American public decide to give police powers to private corporations? In most of these instances the at-will employee (whether they are right or wrong) is terminated and they leave with reports to State licensing boards that they were terminated or voluntarily resigned under a cloud and even accused of criminal wrongdoing. Was there a scientific study that proved such extreme tactics have improved patient safety?
     At some large pharmacies, where there are some discrepancies in the controlled substance inventories, all of the techs and the pharmacist on a shift are suddenly taken by car to a facility to give urine and/or hair samples to screen for drug metabolites and all of the employees, guilty or innocent, comply! Wow, nothing says I respect you and value your professionalism quite like that! Way to build employee loyalty and morale! I personally know of pharmacists who developed clinical depression after that treatment.
     What if a nurse takes my advice and goes downhilling at Whistler injures herself and a doctor prescribes her Tylenol with codeine for 10 days?  A frenemy nurse hears that she was hurt on vacation and takes the opportunity to inform a supervisor she looks tired or sleepy. The next thing you know, a urine sample is demanded and the nurse is discharged because she has metabolites of codeine in her urine and the hospital didn’t have codeine on the list of drugs she was prescribed at the time of hire. State and federal laws prevent an employer from discriminating against able employees with medical conditions or handicaps. Many employees don’t want employers to know what meds their doctors prescribe for them because they fear they will be stigmatized or passed over for promotions so they don’t list them for urine testing purposes. When you list your personal prescribed medications, the employer can make inferences about your mental and physical health, sometimes the conditions you have would be humiliating if others knew. Further, if you vacation where marijuana is legal and you indulge, isn’t that your own business on your private time? Otherwise excellent careers for health professionals have gone down the tubes over false positive urine tests for anything from opiates to marijuana, etc. Young adults are growing up thinking this perversity is “normal” in our society; same as having all of your private communications recorded and analyzed.
     And a special reminder to all of the citizens out there who answer questions from police officers in the absence of counsel when they do not need to, take this quiz:
     You are a 20-year-old pharmacy student at Ferris State. You are at a private house party (you are not driving a car) and you have consumed a couple of beers. A police officer enters the party and demands that you “blow” into his breathalyzer. You should:
(a)  Blow into his breathalyzer and be arrested and later convicted of “minor in possession of alcohol”. This conviction complicates the rest of your life in multiple ways.
(b)  Say to the officer “no thank you”, turn and walk home. You wake up the next morning, say “that was a close one...” and resolve to wait until 21 to drink responsibly and continue on to a productive and fulfilling personal and professional life.
(c)  You attempt to charm the officer with a rambling explanation of your entire life and why he should just let you go. He doesn’t, you “blow” and go to jail.

Federal Criminal Prosecution
Here are just some of the reported monetary settlements by mega corporate health providers for criminal health care fraud.
Merck:  $650 million for nominal pricing fraud
Pfizer:  $2.3 billion for fraudulent off-label marketing
Allergan:  $600 million for off-label marketing of Botox
GlaxoSmithKline:  $650 million for adulterated drugs
GlaxoSmithKline:  $3 billion for illegal marketing of
                                prescription drugs
Omnicare:  $120 million for kickback charges
     Some of the corporations are repeat offenders. Again, no executive goes to prison and no revocation of corporate charter.
     Locally scores of health practitioners are indicted for small dollar health care fraud and they go to prison.
     Why can’t they pay a fine and return to practice like the big companies? What could the distinction be? Do you know?

      I have three openings for annual retainers.
      Additionally, it is important to remember that every health professional should have a will or trust. If you run a pharmacy, a corporate succession plan is mandatory because no one can protect or anticipate when they might become disabled, injured seriously or when they may pass away. Don’t leave it for your family to litigate the matter when you can have me draft a plan now.
      There are so many little known, complex federal and state laws that it is never a good idea to answer questions from any branch of law enforcement without an attorney. You may unknowingly make an innocent remark that will lead you to become ensnared in a larger investigation you don’t need in your life. Law enforcement are like commercial fishermen that use gillnets to capture desired fish but also kill little fish they aren’t supposed to.
      Please read my blog at for expanded explanations of why innocent people need their Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights.

New blogs and back issues of the Pencak Report are always available at Email your name and email address to if you would like to receive the Pencak Report by email.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

My Client Does Well

My client, pharmacist Mark Kirsch urged me to take credit for being his attorney in a successful qui tam action against Kmart pharmacies. You might have seen the recovery of $2.55 million by the government against Kmart for unlawful partial dispensing of prescription drugs. I am happy to say that Mark has been compensated by the government and he has certainly helped taxpayers. By the way, for those of you who don't know Mark personally, he is one of the best pharmacists a community pharmacy can have. His patients absolutely love him.