Thursday, July 21, 2005

Rite Aid Suit

Attention Michigan Rite Aid Pharmacists-
If you work or have worked for Rite Aid in Michigan, now is the time to get in on my lawsuit to get overtime pay that Rite Aid failed to pay you. Yes, you are likely entitled to overtime pay. If this applies to you, call me before the statute of limitations runs out. My number is 586-598-4650.
Do it now before it's too late.

Monday, July 18, 2005

New Summer 2005 Newsletter

Here is the Summer 2005 Newsletter. It is currently being printed and sent out. If you wish to receive it through the mail, please e-mail me your address.

Summer Newsletter

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Update on July 6 Oral Arugment in Grand Rapids

I argued on behalf of defendant Walker Street Pharmacy before a really engaged appelate court panel. All 3 judges had intelligent, hard hitting questions for both sides. I feel confident that I defended our profession ably. It's impossible to predict from the questionning how the court is inclined. So check back and you'll know the result as soon as I do. If our side loses, it will forever change the way you practice pharmacy.